Dream: Deceived by car seller


Asalamu alaykum Shuyukh, jazakallah khair for all that you do.

I wanted to ask you about a dream I had. In the dream we bought a car from a family friend. My mum gets into the car and asks me to driver her somewhere. When she gets in, she starts complaining about how broken apart and damaged the car is and the sits have holes in them. She wants to return it and I try to reason with her by saying it will be shameful if we did that. I’m on the phone with the guy and I sense that he knows that he deceived us and is getting away with it.

In reality we bought the car from the same guy and it has no problems thus far, Alhamdulilah.



Wa alaikum salaam,

As long is the car is fine no worries inshallah.

Wallahu alam


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