Asalamu Aleikum,
In my dream Rasool Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam were around a well (near my grandparent’s house) with a group of Sahaba. I think the topic was about kufaar then Rasool Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam told Hazrat Ali Radi Allahu Anhu to kill a boy that was there and me (or my nafs) felt sorry for boy or something in that sense. Then I reminded myself that there is betterment in ‘every’ decision of Rasool Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wasallam. Somewhere in dream Hazrat Ali Radi Alalhu Anhu were reciting Quran pak.. start of some surah… I only remembered one word. I think something similar to khu(n)zinoon. p.s The boy did have a dark/black aurah/feel to him..
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm
Wa `alaykumu s-salāmu wa rahmatu l-lāhi wa barakātuh,
It shows that you will die before you die insh Allah by following the footstep of Prophet (ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) through the guidance of Awliya’ullah.
The boy in the dream represent your ego and Sayidina Ali (raḍiy-Allāhu ‘anhu) represents Awliya’ullah, the spirituals inheritors of Prophet (ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam).
Also Mawlana Shaykh Hisham said about the endless honor to see Prophet (ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) in a dream: “Seeing the Prophet (ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) in a dream means you will be relieved from seven difficulties in dunya and in Akhirah. Also, Imam Suyuti (r) said that if you see the Prophet (ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) in your dream, you will see him in reality before you leave dunya! ”
And Allah knows best.