Dream: Disturbing


“I was in a big old barn and along with a group, we split into smaller groups to chase a man. his appearance median, white skin, black curly hair. He was stronger and more agile than the whole entire group. A superhuman strength, easily defeated groups formed. I remember at one point in a big mess and I was with part of my group trying to regroup and we hear plea for help. When I looking I did saw a lot of people trying to hold this man, who now could hardly walk, but was able to escape. So, back to help group and when I got close I could see him levitate and without much effort on him at least five more people.
Surrounded, he was getting cornered and at one point along with other subjugated him.
The screams and panic that was in his face was quite disturbing”.


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

The ego doesn’t go down easily, but with persistence and support you will be successful, insha-Allah.

Dr. Karim

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