salaam Mowlana
I keep having constant dreams regarding a particular person you are aware of who I was abused by. Whilst I was asleep at 1 point and was harassed via mails, I then brought the matter to you. The dreams I have is as follows… I be sitting in mosque getting ready for ..I notice my children are not in the main room so I get up to look for them.. As I go outside in the hallway I notice this particular person standing there. Soon as I see him I start running away..towards a room.. I go in and hid behind a table.. The man walks in the room and looks all around for me.. He sees me and grabs hold of me… I try to shout for Mowlana Sheik Nazim for madad but my voice would not come out because of fear and I wake up… The second dream I have is this person is sitting in a room doing a sohbat for sisters… All of the sudden he gets up and starts kicking a sister in the face he kicks and kicks and won’t stop.. From there I wake up.. This has been happening to me since this particular situation happened. I feel he is there all the time. many salaams
wa `alaykum salam,
These dreams are telling you the best protection for a woman, especially from someone who intends evil for her, is to be married. Then, if you are married, for a male relative to be home with you always so you are not alone. Then, not to go out after dark except for the mosque or other gatherings of worship. If you need something ask a male to bring it for you. All these will reduce your troubles and these kind of shaytanic dreams.
Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui