AOA. In the dream I am standing by a road and there is a huge procession of people going in a big building with a huge wooden door. People were coming in groups each group had different outfits. In the last group was our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH, his face was so full of Noor that his strand of hair on his ear lobe stood out I kept looking at his face & hair, then he enters the building, I follow. By the time I reach the door its closed. I sit outside sad then with a strong faith I say we are his Ummati (twice or thrice)& we will surely enter I say this then the door is opened by Prophet PBUH then he says now you can come in, I enter a big hall people are sitting there on floor all are wearing white and I also sit among them. JZK
Alaykum Salam,
This dream is haqq and excellent tidings for you that you will see him (upon him blessings and peace) in this life and be happy here and hereafter in sha Allah. How blessed!
Hajj Gibril Haddad