Dream: Drawing and a snake


I had dream where a purple snake came out of my nose. It jumped and went back into my nose. Then I went somewhere, I saw a white wall with Egyptian drawing of a male and female moving weirdly. Then I saw a guy kidnap a Muslima that I heard he was going to sacrifice. I ran away out of that building. I heard someone said he is only going to sacrifice or kill only really good people and they said my full name. I went back and a boy took a hair from me. He did a magic trick with a cup. He told me speak. I recited qursi and it was like I was inside a glass cup. He was holding paper with bismallah and did another trick where a guy swallow the cup and he throw bismallah paper and the cup came out of his pocket.


You are under attack from Shaytan and his agents. Recite everyday audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem, Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem at least 100 times. Perform your prayers on time, make darood (salawat) on Prophet (s) as much as you can everyday. Recite Ayat al-Kursi 7 times a day and blow on yourself.

Allah knows best.
Ali Elsayed

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