Dream: Suitcase
salamu alaykum ya shaykh,
dream 1) I dreamed that i entered an unknown room with my suitcase.But somebody else (unknown) was carriying my suitcase.
dream 2) long time ago i dream i was reciting this ayah : an nisa:56 “inna ladeena kafaroo bi ayatina sawfa nuseehim naran kulama nadijat jolloduhum badalnahum ...(till the end)…. ina laha kana azeezan hakeema.
djazaka allahu ghayran
a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
wa `alaykum salam,
Your burdens are being carried by one of Allah’s hidden servants, allowing you to reach places you would not otherwise be able to. Reciting that verse of punishment in this life will protect you from it in akhira and allow you to receive the mercy in the following verse.
And Allah knows best.
Dr. Karim