Asalaamu alaykum!
i was in madina with family, there were some Indonesians and two indian brothers too and with them was a young skinny boy of 15 yrs on wheel chair with prayer cap. I feel attached to this boy we soon become very good friends.
we were leaving the hotel, i see that skinny boy standing there wearing a diff brown cap. i come to him to say goodbye and he hugs me. I want to keep contact with him but i hesitate. i dont remember his name, i ask one of the indians his name but he is not the one so i ask an indonesian wearing a similar cap but he is not the one. i ask them whether they knew that boy they say they never knew abt him even though he was with them.
is this a valid dream?
wa `alaykum salam,
Alhamdulillah seeing yourself in Madinat al-Munawwarah, is a good sign for you that you will insha-Allah be making Ziyarah and seeing Indonesians and Indians is telling you about people who today are keeping the sunnah through observing love of the Prophet (s) through Mawlid and Dhikr and recitation of salawat and respect for Ahl al-Bayt. The crippled boy shows you to look for Allah’s Saints among the disabled, handicapped and mentally deficient, for Allah hides them in such forms. Often they cannot speak for they are in a hal, state of ecstasy, and thus silenced from speaking forth the grand secrets unveiled to them.
W ‘Allahu `alam,
Taher Siddiqui