Salam aleikom,
Last night I had a strange dream…
I was near the seashore which looked as a remote place and I knew it was so because of the jinns “hunting”.
I saw myself entering a room where “there were jinns” and I opened my hand (I think left hand) and while waving it on the floors I said some surahs from the Quran: al-falaq, al-naas, al-fatiha… and the jinns apparently disappeared…
I wanted to remove them definitevely but I could not retrive any more jinn, all were gone…
Thank you..
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,
wa `alaykum salam,
This means you are able to recite in your dreams. It means you have mastery over your own ego.
And Allah knows best.
With salams,
Yassir Chadly