Dream: Dream abt Shaykh Hisham & Shaykh Nazim


Assalamualaikum wr wb

I had the following dream when I was in a state of junub so I am not sure whether the dream is valid. I dreamt I was wading in water waist deep. Then, I was in a house and Shaykh Hisham said that Shaykh Nazim had agreed to guide me. Then I saw Shaykh Nazim’s face smiling from a distance (although I’m not sure he was physically there). I remember being very happy to hear the news.

Also, throughout my life I have occasionally had dreams about 1) escaping from a tsunami 2) about Qiamat happening.

If you could help me interpret the above dreams, I would be grateful. Syukran & Wassalam.


wa `alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah it is a valid dream and the meaning is clear. Tsunamis are signs of the Last Days, which are also indicated by the dreams of Qiyamah. These are warnings to prepare for the Last Days which we have already entered, and Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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