Assalamu aleikum,
1 .A few days ago or so I dreamt that I stood in front of a table, bent down and could only see green socks/pants cause someone was sitting on a sofa behind the table. In my dream I felt like that was MSN sitting there. But I think the man said we will meet again when I’m 59 years old (I think it was that age,I can’t remember well ). And I felt like I was going to die at that age.
2. Today in the morning I also dreamt my grandmother was sitting on a couch and was dying. I hold her hand and told her I loved her. I woke up crying. After reading different dream interpretations on the site I wonder why I didn’t at least see my grandmother saying shahadah, or anyone else telling her to say it.
3. Does every dream mean something no matter how strange it might be?
Thank you for answering my questions.
Alaykum Salam,
In sha Allah you will die on Islam, perhaps at 95 or whenever Allah wishes, and Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (Allah bless his secret) may be present as a Divine favor for yourself and grandmother as we all also ask for ourselves and loved ones.
Hajj Gibril Haddad