Last night I had a dream before waking up for Fajr that I saw a white horse at night, which looked transparent. I heard a voice say to climb this horse and ride it to a tree. I knew where this tree was and I knew which road to take. The horse started flying and I felt so scared that something might harm us out of the darkness. Then I saw the tree in front of me and I was thinking to myself, make little noise so as not to disturb the other creatures in the night. But instead the horse crashed into the trunk of the tree and disappeared. I fell to the ground and immediately I saw my smaller brother fall beside me too. I told him to come quickly and we sat beside the tree and started making Zikr. It was then that the morning came.
Walaikum assalam,
Riding a horse in a dream means dignity, honor and wealth. Perhaps it could mean that one will befriend a noble person, or meet a good companion on the road.
Allah knows best,
Ali Elsayed