Salaam Alaykum, may this message arrive you in good health inshaAllah. Two days ago I saw Grandshaykh Abdullah al Daghestani radiAllahu anhu in my dream. He was giving a speech at my university. Everybody was impressed by his appearance and he kept staring at me. After the speech was over there was a discussion but I’m not remberering what it was about. I told a fellow student who was a non-Muslim (actually saw her in my dream for the first time) that he is my Shaykh and she just looked at me in an admiring way and told her friends: “Oh my God, he is her Shaykh.” After that I went to the Shaykh and he gave me a grade. He gave me a B, which disappointed me in a way, but he said: “You’re good one” or he said: “Good, good.” – I can’t recall the exact words unfortunately.
May Allah swt reward you for your efforts inshaAllah.
Alaykum Salam,
A very good dream which shows encouragement and that you are on the right path with Mawlana Shaykh Hisham. “You’re a good one” is the manner of speaking of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim so your dream counts as seeing him also, as well as seeing those who took from both him and Grandshaykh.
B grade and disappointment might mean a number of things, such as
– encouragement and being “on the way” so as not to rest on your laurels;
– or encouragement to focus on your Shaykh without care as to who admires you and who disapproves;
– or a reminder that your shaykh is not Grandshaykh but rather his successor, so that next time if you see Grandshaykh you might say he is the shaykh of my shaykh you will get full grade;
– or a reminder that we do not work for grades or degrees, i.e. do not expect reward but rather lose yourself in your focus and care only for that. Allah knows best.
Hajj Gibril Haddad