Dream: Repairing a bike


Assalamualaikum ya Shiekh,

I dream that I was riding a bicycle that were in a very bad condition so to speak. Then I continued to ride it until I saw a place which has a number of shops and among them are 2 bicycle shops. So, I went to the 1st shop but I couldn’t get enough parts to repair my bicycle. Then I went to the 2nd shop and the shop have everything I needed to repair my bicycle, so after repairing and refurbishing my bicycle, I went on riding it with an exalted feeling, what does that dream mean?

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:

Wa Alaikum Salam,

InchaAllah you will attain your purpose through strive and hard work.

Allah knows best.

Ali Elsayed

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