أحبت إبلاغكم ب منامي (الحلم) الذي رأيته في الشيخ سيدي ناظم الحقاني، (رحمه الله ) وهو كالتالي:
رأيت الشيخ ناظم الحقاني يرتدي عمامة فارهه ك عمامة الملوك القدامى و هو يجلس على عرش أو كرسي و لكنه كان عرشا يشبه الملوك فوجدت الشيخ ناظم (رحمه الله ) يقوم من العرش أو الكرسي كأنه بكامل صحة كان يقوم منه بقوه وبهيبه ثم كتبت له أنا رسله أبلغه فيها بدعوأتي له خالص حبي وتقديري التي أكنهاله. انتهى المنام،،،،،والله على ماأقول شهيد
أرجو منكم إبلاغي بتفسيره، شكر الله لكم
Would like to inform you of my dream (dream) that I saw of Sayyid Sheikh Nazim Haqqani (may Allah have mercy on him), which is as follows:
I saw Sheikh Nazim Haqqani wearing a turban luxury as a turban kings old and is seated on a throne or chair, but it was a throne-like kings and found Sheikh Nazim (may Allah have mercy on him) is from the throne or chair like a full health he was doing it with power and prestige, then wrote him I apostles told him where duas his sincere love and appreciation that (اكن ها له؟؟). End of dream. Wallahu Ala Ma’aqulu Shaheed .
I ask you to inform me of interpretation, thanking God for you.
It means, despite his passing away, Mawlana Shaykh’s knowledge and spiritual power is stronger than ever through his living caliphs.
Taher Siddiqui