Dream: Meeting Mawlana



Assalamu alaykum Ya Sayiddi and the esteemed eShaykh team,
My mother had a dream which she requested the meaning of. She is going to meet Mawlana, and on the way she saw two women with platters of sweetmeats. They ask her to give Mawlana the sweets to touch so that they can distribute them blessed. There are also a lot of thick white garlands of flowers she sees on her way. She says to her self that they smell beautiful, so she will take them for Mawlana as a present and then goes and sees him.

We love you! Jazakallah Khair


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

wa `alaykum salaam,

Inshaa-Allah your mother’s love to Mawlana is accepted.

Dr. Karim

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