Dream: A threat on my baby


Salam aleykoum dear sheikh, I hope I find you all in good health.

I dreamt I was in a house with my wife and my baby and we recruited a nurse. I go in the middle of the night see my baby, and the nurse is near the baby and suddenly I feel extremely scared, I point my finger to the nurse and repeat ayat al Kursi, the nurse laughs and even if I’m terrorized, I advance to her while repeating the verse and she evaporates. I woke up reciting the verse for real. Then I fall asleep again and I dreamt I was in the same room (at least I think) and there was a group reciting a du’a I don’t know and sheikh Nazim appeared saying , speaking about the girl who started the du’a “this du’a proves she has full understanding of Qur’an.”

Barakallahou fik


`Alaykum Salam,

This dream indicates warning not to feed your ego but keep under control through dhikr, wazifa, tawba and jamaa’aso that its harm does not hurt you and your family.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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