Dream: Being Allah’s Beloveds Wife



I feel embarrassed to say this, forgive me but this has happened twice now, i am unmarried woman, i dreamt once about 7 years ago that i was travelling with Allah’s most beloved Salallaho Alaihi Wasalam and in the dream i am their SWS wife, but there is no touching or any sort like that we are just walking but in the dream i am such, its a pure clean dream. Again recently i meet them SWS in a place no sky, ground or background and we are talking clean and purely and again i am their wife in the dream. both dreams i am made to know i am that relation with them. what does this mean? audu billah


wa `alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah you will marry one of the pure devout musk-scented offspring of Sayyidina Muhammad (s).

Taher Siddiqui

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