Dream of dying


Dream: I was moving towards my vehicle then I see a man behind me with a beard standing next to his vehicle giving adhan. Then I feel I’m in the Palestine Israel border. Then I see two guards coming from the Israeli side after they hear adhan. then I try to escape from the firing. I try to climb a wall then I feel as if someone’s aiming at me. Then as I try to climb someone shoots at my head. I don’t feel any pain. But I try seeing wat happens after I die but I get to see white color when I open my eyes in the dream..


wa `alaykum salam,

The man calling adhan is the representative of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) in this time. Those trying to harm you represent your ego and shaytan, targeting your ego and trying to make you fear and stray from the path of Haqq. You are successful in achieving martyrdom, which means “dying before death.” (See the Post “Dream: Told Date of Death” for more understanding).

Take initiation with a guiding murshid and hold fast to him, for in this time there are so many groups, as-Sadiq al-Masduq, the Truthful and Confirmed One, Sayyidina Muhammad (s) told his Companion Hudhayfa (r), “There will be a blind and deaf turbulence; callers to the Gates of Hell. Whoever responds to their call, they cast them into it.”
I said, “O Messenger of Allah, describe them to us.” He (s) said, “They are from our own skin and speak our tongue.”

and Allah knows best the interpretation.

Taher Siddiqui

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