I had a dream in which me and my brother were laying down in a building that felt like a mosque to me and we were looking up at the ceiling and it had Allahs name written on it in Arabic and I was looking at it happily and talking about how truth would prevail over everything false and then a Christian symbol came and overlapped the word “Allah” on the ceiling and now it read something else which pertained to Islam (I cant remember) and after that a Jewish symbol came and overlapped both the symbols and it said “Ya Rabb” in Arabic , my brother said he couldn’t see it and I had to show him until he finally saw it.
Alaykum Salam,
The overlapping corresponds to the dunya limitations of man-made expressions reconciling their variance from the one Truth which, as you said in the beginning of the dream, prevails.
Hajj Gibril Haddad