Assalamu-Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah
I had a dream few days ago, I saw Mawlana Shaykh Hisham was showing me few pages which had some Duas and Naqshbandi Awrad I think and he was adding that to my daily recitation. I also remember he was mentioning that certain dhikr I am doing got accepted. I dont remember which duas he was giving me.
When he was adding the pages for my recitation, suddenly by bed broke and I woke up. My wife and I are surprised how it is possible since our bed is very durable and made of cherry wood and not possible to break that easily.
Can you please explain this dream?
Jazak Allah.
wa `alaykum salam,
Allah knows best but probably your bed broke in the middle of the dream because it wasn’t time for you to physically learn those du`as, it was sent to you spiritually for your heart to know and insha-Allah will be revealed to your consciousness soon.
Dr. Aziz Hussein