Dream of Sheikh Nazim



My respected sheikhs, hope you’re all in good heath. My salams to mawlanas family! Sheikh I have already posted a dream called FAJAR time dream in October but haven’t heard anything!

I had a dream I meet Sheikh Nazim he says to me “you’re my daughter” with a smile and holds my head to his heart. The way he met me felt like a father meeting his child. In the dream im saying why did mawlana hold my head to his heart and he says to me with a smile I have given you a gift. Also in the dream I saw mawlana wearing white and I was wearing green. In the dream mashaAllah mawlana was so happy smiling! When I woke up it was fajar time. Please sheikhs if you could reply soon it would be great! :)



Heart means connection and teaching of knowledge. Colors are the favorite colors of Mawlana and the Sunna. This is a very good dream, so keep to your progress and spiritual practices for happiness in dunya and akhira in sha Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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