Salam alaykum Sayyidi,
Usually I ignore dreams but this month I had 3 End-time dreams:
I was in a vast transparent dome (science lab/control room) & a large plane flew by too low for comfort then flew upward before coming violently down into the ground with a nuclear impact, destroying a city. Although our dome was miles away the force & debris flew at us & shattered the dome. Mass evacuation of people followed.
2nd dream had a similar vertical plane impact.
Then the 3rd dream had the plane hit the ground & straight away a coordinated sky attack (planes/helicopter) began, slaughtering civilians and striking ground targets.
It reminded me of the great coming battle and the alliance between Kharijite terrorists/hijackers & Antichrist, or to Hazrat Mahdi’s takbir.
Please help me understand and forgive me from beginning to end for the sake of Awliya-Allah. Salam.
wa `alaykum salam,
This is like the dreams many Ahl as-Sunnah wa ‘l-Jama`ah Sufi believers had prior to 911, and this maybe indicating what the Wahabi/Kharijites are planning, for true dreams come to believers as protection and warning.
Insha-Allah by power of awliyaullah the evil intention and evil plans of these falsifiers of faith will be foiled. And Allah knows best.
Taher Siddiqui