Dream: Shaykh Nazim leading…


Saw a dream, found myself sitting in a classroom. Everyone listening attentively, Shaykh Nazim teaching. He has a long rod, making efforts to take us to the oceans of mercy. Interrupted by a man who said he don’t want to continue and quit. Maulana said me to ask his name, he responded with his full name, I only remembered Muzammil in his name. Conveyed to Maulana, dream ended. Kindly interpret.


That man Muzzamil is actually the nafs of the person who had the dream and Shaykh Nazim (q) was bringing to his attention that his nafs was holding him back. On one level he is lacking the himmah to fly to Bahru ‘l Qudrah (Ocean of Power) but on the other hand his nafs is afraid to step into the Unseen.

Shaykh Nazim (q) told him to ask him his name so he finds out the current reality that he is facing. His ego is beginning to be dressed by the description of muzzamil (the one who likes to cover themselvesĀ and sleep) so he has to finish the verse, “Yaa ayyuhal Muzzamil! Stand up in prayer!”(73:1-2) and apply it in the world of the batin.

Ali Hussain

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