Dream: Shoe


i saw a dream where i was in the mall with my sister on the stairs, and one slipper slipped from my foot and i see it high on top of something. Then we go to a shoe store in the mall and i try on a gold glittering shoe in my foot. The lady in the store tells me its very beautiful and i should buy it. Then after i look at my foot in the mirror, i realize it doesn’t match me and the lady in the store tells me that it doesn’t match me and to take it off. What can be the meaning of this dream.


This dream can mean that a job (represented by the slipper) is going to get you a higher position, but a new position (represented by the golden slipper) is been offered to you ,you are going to choose to stay with what makes you higher.

And Allah knows best.

Yasser Chadly

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