As salamu’alaykoum,
My mother dreamt:
” I saw many crocodiles in the street of Damascus.”
Then she dreamt another day:
” I was with my husband in Syria ,we walked in the street . We heard people to make zikr and i heard especially the voice of my brother in law. Then my husband and meĀ rise to the sky like birds ( sorry for my English). We were afraid of falling , but then we are return to the ground.
JazakAllahu khayr waBarakAlahu fik.
Walaikum Assalam,
Crocodiles in Syria could mean (tyrants in Syria), this dream could be based on your observation on what is happening in Syria.
The Second dream signifies that your souls have been taken to a holy place (represented by Sham) where you were hearing zikr. By the power of that zikr you were raised.
Allah knows best.
Ali ElSayed