Dream: White light, La ilaha illaAllah


Dream two hours before fajr: I was reciting la ilaha illallah in the position that I was sleeping in. I felt awake and recitation became louder, the whole room I can only see white everywhere. I felt like Allah (swt) controlling me and I was being moved around room and all the time I was ecstatically reciting, louder and louder. I had no control. Then I would gain a little bit of control and the more fervently I recited it the more I lost control. Sometimes, I was shaking in my lying place and fast heartbeat, but had no control over it. In dream I felt Allah (swt) is controlling me. Then I suddenly woke up in same position that I was in my dream and I was breathing fast. I didn’t feel like it was a dream, until I woke up and realised I was sleeping and it was a dream.


Continue as you are in a good state in sha Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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