I had a dream, I was in Shaykh Nazim’s house, in one of the rooms there was like this shrine and when he went inside. He said coming out of it … I’ve had ziyarah of Prophet, SallAllahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam. The next day or the next couple of hours later I thought I want to go in as well. So, I went in alone and saw nothing, just windows showing greenery outside. I was very sad. Then for a moment I concentrated purely closing my eyes, hoping for the ziyarah and I saw a beautiful individual with black beard and black hair.
Now, my heart was in two minds Is this the Prophet, Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or hadhrat Khidhr, alayhis salaam.
I felt like I saw Hadhrat Muhammad al Mustafa, but who did I actually see?
In sha Allah it is as you felt and congratulations. Keep yourself in a good way and ask to make that ziyara again.
Hajj Gibril Haddad