Listening to folk’s bad dreams


I have learned that if we feel a dream may be from shaytaan to keep it to yourself as it has no effect. My question is that a Christian friend wanted to and did share a couple of dreams he had with me, but I think they were both from shaytaan. I did not say this to him, as I did not want to disturb him, or the fact that I could be wrong. But one was of the darkest evil, that was obvious to him. The other dream was where shaytaan masks himself possibly in the most beautiful, but false light. This particular dream had lots of Christian symbolism to it, while being actually in my opinion Luciferian. My question is, since he insisted on telling me these dreams, how do I protect myself from their effects?


wa `alaykum salam,

Why are you worried his dream will affect you? The main worry you should have is that you interpret his dream in a negative way and this therefore comes to pass, for as our shuyukh have informed us, the first meaning attributed to a dream is what “sticks”.

Taher Siddiqui

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