As Wr Wb Syaikh,
Would you please kindly interpret my dreams:
1. On night of Nifsu Sa’ban I dreamt lying on my bed, saw “ALLAH” was written in Arabic in the night sky above.
2. Dream to be in a height in a vast garden of mango fruit, saying in my heart will this be my paradise?
3. Dreams to ascent ladders leading to high places. The last ladder was almost always missing, to get to the top I must jump. I was very afraid to go up. In some dreams, I don’t continue. In other dreams I go up, alone or with help from someone at the top.
4. Dreams of missing the planes, cars I want to go with. If not missing, I belong to the last persons to go into the planes.
Thank you very much Syaikh.
With full of respect
Walaikum Assalam,
1- It is a confirmation of your piety, inchaAllah.
2- A garden in a dream means repentance from one’s sins.
3- Ascending an old ladder in a dream means success in one’s business. If it was a new ladder, then it would mean spiritual ascent.
4- Those were missed opportunities, maybe in your work or life.
Allah knows best,
Ali Elsayed