Aslamalaikum respected Shaykh,
I’m in a relationship for 2yrs. A year ago I dreamt the guy I want to marry. He is in our house in my brother’s bed upset & crying. I assume because of the family’s disapproval of the marriage. My brother was sitting next to him saying everything will be fine. Recently 1)I saw a corner of my red scarf burns & most of it is safe. I’m sad then satisfied that most of it is safe. 2)I’m afraid of losing my gold ear rings but I’ve them safe in my hand and I’m happy. 3) the guy I love is in our house, and we are all happy. We both go downstairs, he holds me and isabout to kiss me, but my mom appears behind us. I say hi to her, and she smiles like she didn’t mind.The guy is anxious to hug me. Weird because it’s him but has my mechanic’s face. Currently he is not talking to me for some unknown reason. I’m doing some wazaif to marry him.Thank you.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
Walaikum Asslam,
It maybe that your anxiety and fear of losing this young man is what is behind your dreams. InchaAllah, put your trust in Allah, He knows what is best for us.
Allah knows best.
Ali Elsayed