Dream: Myself As A Bride



I had a dream where I am seeing a photo, in which I am dressed up like a bride. On my left is my elder sister. On my right is a very beautiful gal in a white dress. She happens to be the sister of a guy with whom my proposal was previously fixed in April, but our alliance broke in July due to family problems. My sister and his sister were taking me inside a hall filled with so many people. I could recognize the dress which I was wearing. I was wearing the lehanga which my parents brought when our alliance got fixed. She wanted me to wear it for our engagement. I never considered myself beautiful, always saw myself as a normal looking girl. But I looked so pretty in the dream in that lehanga, MashaAllah. I’m confused now. Why did I see his sister taking me inside the hall when our alliance is already broken?

Please interpret my dream. Awaiting your reply. AllahHafiz.


Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:

Walaikum Assalam wr wb,
Seeing yourself in a wedding dress, could be a sign that you will receive wealth. Since you know the groom in the dream, it could mean that your marriage might still take place.

Allah knows best.

Ali Elsayed

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