Dream: Enemy



I had dream 2 or 3 years back in which I was in a room. I was informed what will happen by my mom. Then mom go in guest’s room where guests were sitting. A sound come or thought don’t remember that guests thought wrong and they go. I’m not sure about this line because this dream is very old. Then I go in baramda and eat green thing. Some of it fell on the floor. In next scene I was somewhere. I shake hand with army officer in tv. He was in tv, I was outside. He drags me in. Where we were in room at first floor we saw car of enemy. We all hide then he came to know about us. He threw grenade at us. It went at ground floor and blast our room go up and then down. We all ran to ground floor where I saw my grandfather. He was a saint. He was there or his soul in some one. I saw him and sit as I was informed, he came to me and contacts transferred and in my mind contacts came while a guy was saying me, “come come” who was with me running.



audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,

Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,

Your grandfather’s piety and blessings will save you from difficulties and enemies and you will inherit from his secret, insha-Allah.  And Allah knows best.

Dr. Karim Tourk

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