Dear Shaykh Assalamulaikum
My dreams are
1. My deceased grandfather has been trapped in a mosque by some people upon arriving in Singapore and chained around his leg. I helped him to escape from the chains.
2. I meet a girl which I realize I am engaged to ( actually I am not engaged). She looks like my distant cousin in Mauritius but also a girl in my community in Singapore.
May Allah Bless you in this life and the next
Thanks and Sallams
wa `alaykum salam,
Your grandfather, while pious and devout, has some difficulties in the barzakh and needs your du`a. Seek intercession of the Prophet (s) for him and gift him your awrad and Quran recitation whenever you do so. Insha-Allah that will be lifted, for the Prophet (s) said, “When a Child of Adam (as) dies, his deeds are cut off except from three:
- a flowing donation,
- knowledge that he brought forth that is useful to others, and
- a righteous son who prays for him.” (Sahih Muslim)
And a grandchild is similar to a son in this regard, and Allah knows best.
The second dream may refer to some blessing in dunya coming to you.
W ‘Allahu `alam,
Taher Siddiqui