Salaam Aleikum dear honorable ones,
After doing two rakaat after Fadjr asking for the favor of seeing the beloved face of Sheikh Nazim in my dreams and asking guidance. I had a disturbing vision just before i fell asleep. First i saw a vague vision of the face of My beloved Sheikh Nazim, this could be my imagination since i hold this image in my mind of the day he really looked at me like that. Then darkness a huge dark face with open mouth came, it was a cave, (i ask myself, he Djinn or what?) And this cave/mouth of darkness opens, i hear a voice say sweet, just go in my dear it is not so difficult-Something pushes me from behind, go in. Then clear awake I left the bed. Please enlighten my ignorance. Thank You so much.
`Alaykum Salam,
Huge mouth is ego (nafs) and cave is sleep, and Allah knows best. Spiritual dreams are before Fajr, and the sunna is not to sleep after Fajr, at least until sunrise.
Hajj Gibril Haddad