Recently I dreamed that. I am in some home which has a small shelter on its roof. Suddenly I experienced rain of greyish white medium size stones from the sky. I hurriedly went under the shelter and I was saved however, the whole place was full of stones.
While dreaming I thought that the rain of stones was on bani Israel then why on us (Muslims) while I was thinking that I heard aazan-e-Fajr from various mosques, but each moazin was saying come to my mosque I’m on the right path. Please explain it in detail as I’m really worried.
PS: When my eyes opened it was fajr time.
It is a good dream and nothing to worry about. Rain is mercy even if stones for the believer, and adhan in dream is an excellent sign of faith and guidance, especially fajr.
Hajj Gibril Haddad