Dream: Family


My family and I went to collect two of my cousins; siblings in their late teens. The place was almost like a prison/ dog-pound. It was a long narrow room with cages which consisted of people who appeared to be poor, neglected. Atmosphere was disheartening. We walked toward cages where my cousin were. One of them was huddled, withdrawn, looked 10 years younger and refused to embrace us; the other looked 10 years older, was sat in the corner of the cage pre-occupied, he seemed angry and refused to come with us. Suddenly we’re all in a waiting room with my cousins but there’s a lot of tension…I know this may just be a regular, random dream but it left me feeling upset and uncomfortable so I wanted to know if it had any significant meaning.


In the light of Surat Yusuf such a dream bodes success and a good ending through tests. Waiting room indicates it may take time so be patient on istighfar, dhikr and sadaqa, and Allah knows best.

Hajj Gibril HaDDAD

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