Asalaamlikum shaykh,
I’ve had several similar dreams, where I feel possessed by something, one dream I am in a masjid and man is reading his salaah, in a very aggressive way. The second dream I am in my house and my parents are trying to get rid of bad jinns in the house. At one point I feel possessed & but can’t control myself. Third dream I am telling a certain people in my family that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH is alive and they say NO he’s not, then I keep saying ‘learn tajweed’’ to them and the Prophet Muhammad PBUH is alive! . JazakAllah blessed shaykh pt. 2 Asalaamlikum, shaykh I put forward my last dream about feeling possessed but I havent gotten any reply, but recently had a similar one, where I felt weak from waist down/legs and seeked help from my mum but I attacked her, as I was possessed, she pushed me and I woke up. Please please. Advice me as these dreams are really worrying/annoying me.
`Alaykum Salam,
Do not argue especially with relatives but rather focus on your own Salat, dhikr and fikr. In sha Allah you will help them and yourself better that way.
Hajj Gibril Haddad