Dream: Fighting with a Jinn


Salaam Alaykum,

I had a dream few days ago in the morning time. My siblings were present in the dream and my sister was trying to warn me to not speak about any jinns as she is frightened of them. Suddenly a jinn/presence of a Jinn was physically fighting with me. I could not see it however I was struggling and wanted to say Laillaha ill’lillah, I struggled but managed to say this in such a loud voice and strong conviction, that it disappeared. After that I felt peace. My mother appeared to me in the dream and said this jinn could be connected to some gold jewellery an elder gave to a member of my family. Does my dream mean anything? God Bless you and many thanks.



wa `alaykum salam,
This can mean that you are strong in faith, all you need is to add to Lailaha ill’la’l’lah, Muhammadun Rasulul’Lah. Do 100 or more Salawat on Prophet (s), then all the jinns can no longer deal with you anymore.
And Allah knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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