Asalamualaikum dear Sheikh,
I had a dream that we get a new house and many people are visiting our house and we even have rented the house to different people and also a relative comes from overseas who we would never expect and is happy and praising our house. To be noted is that this relative does not talk to us in real life. My smaller brother accidentally lights the garage on fire and I keep on screaming and point to buckets of water and he is trying to extinguish the fire. Amazingly, my grandmother on my mums side is praying near the garage and the fire nearly reaches her and I scream to my brother as to not let the fire reach her. I think this is where the dream ends.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
wa `alaykum salam,
This dream can mean that you are going through a change (represented by the new house) The arguments, backbiting, and fights from old times are the fires in the garage that you would like to fix. The dikr for this is “astaghfir’Allah” at least 300 times a day.
And Allah knows best.
Yassir Chadly