Dream: First day Ramadan and Obama


It’s 1st Ramadan. I’m in our old home with my cousin… and some guys. A guy said he will lead prayer at home. I wanted to go masjid but agreed on praying at home with them. It’s 3:30 afternoon. The leader wasn’t leading properly. He starts and interrupts prayer, we moved a lot so my scarf fell down. Before I could fix my scarf the prayer continued. After it was over I yelled, telling leader we didn’t pray properly as it’s first Ramadan. Told my cousin ”help me prepare iftar and then we go pray Taraweeh in masjid.” I started cleaning my room. There’s fried fish in plastic, smelled delicious almost wanted to eat but remembered I’m fasting. Iftar is ready and everyone sat on floor around dining. I was in full dress with scarf. I remember they were men I was the only girl. Obama came with a plate and felt shy. He wanted to join. I felt happy and told him to join.


A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:

Keep your good Islamic manners and worship. In sha Allah you will be dressed with lights and help guide people by example. And Allah knows best.

Dr. Karim

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