I just had a dream last night where I saw two dead birds (larger birds) dead on the floor. I walked around the dead birds and then I noticed I was about to fly in the air. As I started to soar, I repeated my kalima (Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem) and before I could finish my kalima I was midway in the air and it started to turn white. I woke up at this point and noticed myself saying the kalima when I was awake and blowing air out of my mouth. Any idea what this means?
Seeing birds in a dream has many meanings. In general, they are a good omen for the dreamer. But seeing dead birds in your dream, it could mean that you have some trouble with your work. Flying could mean that you will soon make a journey, and since you recited the Kalima, it will inchaAllah be a successful Journey.
Allah knows best,
Ali Elsayed