Bismillah Ir-Rehman Ir-Raheem
May Allah bless the prophets, Awliya, and our beloved sheikhs. Ameen.
I saw in my dream (from what I assumed) that I (soul) was flying into the outer space (black night, stars, bright-colored galaxies) reciting “Madad Ya Allah” and also “La Ilaha Anta Subhanaka Inna Kunti Minaz-Zaleemeen” (Quran 21:87) knowing that I was traveling to the Heavens and to Allah when I started being pulled back to traveling down to my own body and I was resisting that, but it was no use. I did not want to come back into my body, which led me to wake up. Also, in the dream, while coming back, I had felt that the reason that I was coming back was because an unidentifiable force was holding me back from letting go and flying like I desired. Jazakallah Khair.
Alahumma sale ala Muhammadin wa ala ale Muhammadin wa sallam.
`Alaykum Salam,
Continue your dhikr and daily wazifa and in sha Allah nothing will hold
you back. However, instead of “Inna Kunti” you should say “Inni Kuntu“.
Hajj Gibril Haddad