Assalamalaikum Shaykh,
I saw this dream on Thursday. After I prayed Zohar salah I slept. It was between 2 to 4pm that I saw this dream. I saw that there were many gals dressed elegantly. I went inside and there I ate lots and lots of different fruits. It was like a fruit chat. I am eating it in a bowl; they were so delicious. Then the gals were running. Each gal was having a heart shaped gold pendent. I just pushed one of the gals and took her gold pendent. I am going through so many problems in my life right now. Please tell me is this a good dream or a bad dream?
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm:
Walaikum Assalm,
Eating sweet food in a dream means that your problems will be soloved through kindness. Since you are a young unmarried man, then control your desire through fasting, until Allah opens for you a way to marry inshaAllah.
Allah knows best.
Ali Elsayed