Dream: Full Moon-Eclipse-Explosion



Saw a full moon very large and orange through a window. I ran to get my camera to take a photo of it. As I got my camera ready, the moon was a full eclipse and I only can see the ring of the moon still orange. It is night outside. I took a photo, electricity shot from camera. I took another picture more electricity shots out of the camera. 3rd photo made huge electricity come from camera that made huge explosion and I died.


Full moon represents Sayyidina Muhammad (s) or his Deputy. Seeking to photograph means seeking to emulate and dress the characteristics of Sayyidina Muhammad (s). This is known in Tariqah as Fana. It consists in three levels: Fana fi ‘sh-Shaykh, Annihilation in the Shaykh. This in turn takes you to Fana fi’r-Rasul, Annihiliation in the Prophet (s). That then takes you to Annihilation in Allah swt, Fana fillah.  Eclipse also represents Fana fi’r-Rasul, annihilation in the Prophet (s) which can only come about through annihilation in the Shaykh. Achieving this, you were completely annihilated by the Dress of the Allah’s Beautiful Names and Attributes and like Sayyidina Musa (as), seeing the mountain destroyed under the Divine Tajalli, you died before you died.

Sometimes they make us achieve in dreams what we cannot in real life, and Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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