Dream: Grandad Sick


Aslaam ula Kum,

My sister had a dream where my grandfather is dying but he didn’t look like he was dying as he was happy etc. Then me, her brother asked my grandad in the dream didn’t someone say that (she thinks it was an angel but isn’t sure) you will be ok because your blood is sayyid blood. As she is 13 she gets quite confused with the facts she is unsure if it was sayyid or Sunni blood she believes it was sayyid. We do not know our lineage.


Wa `alaykum salam,

In-sha-Allah it means you are sayyids and this dream is revealing that, but try to find out for sure. There is no such thing as “Sunni blood” but there is Sayyid blood, and the Prophet (s) said, as related by Sayyidina `Umar (r):

“On the Judgment Day every means will be cut off and every lineage severed except my lineage.” (at-Tabarani)

Taher Siddiqui

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