Grandma at wedding


Assalamoalikum Dearest Shaykh, hope you are fine inshALLAH.

my mother saw a dream please if you can tell what does it means :Saw her deceased mother, there is wedding she doesn’t have clothes so my mother gives her new dress, then mother inquires someone where is my husband? Is he already left, she goes look outside the house but can’t find him, afterwards she saw a mango tree in house garage, with full of mangoes on it. Many boys were trying to take those mangoes and my mother stops them but they don’t, right beside is another tree and she sees light there and says is that an angel? And She screams and wakes up.


Your grandmother needs you to recite Quran for her (dress). You and your siblings are the mangoes which shaytan is trying to distract from the Way of Allah (swt). They are prevented by an angel assigned to protect you.

Taher Siddiqui

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