Dream: Grave and bodies of Sayyids



There were sunnis and shias and I was a visitor and a believer of the sunni group in the dream. At one point, I was in front of bodies of Sayyids all I saw was their hands and feet and they weren’t rottening. I remembered the hadith and the ayat regarding this issue and I was amazed by the miracle.
Later the whole sunni group was in the shia home eating and one shia man came to me to bother me and I told him nicely if you want to discuss this matter we can, and as he got close to me his finger caught on fire, then I told him to walk away as I didn’t want him to burn. Then me and my family were at the grave of another buried Sayyid.


wa `alaykum salam,

It means that what is known about Sayyids is true, they are beloved to Allah due to their physical connection to the Prophet (s). And we must keep respect for them regardless of their beliefs, and avoid entering the disputes that always cause fighting between Shia and Sunni, but rather agree to disagree but to keep respect, else fire will come and burn us in our own home.

and Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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