Dream: Green Flying Snake (Re-sending pls reply)


I am in a entirely green field, I saw Huge Green Snake hovering, I hold stick and throw toward the snake, I wanted to know about the snake, nothing happens, I again through something toward the snake and Snake Attacks me and I ran in the bushes, I came out and examine the Flying snake, I saw that Snake has 4 feathers and annoying sound comes out from the snake, I examine and found that sound came from snake’s tail, I disturb the snake and ran away, I found myself in a room with two doors having stairs and myself sitting on Sofa, I saw man laying on the stairs, suddenly person disappear and Snake came in the room, I get up from the sofa and go toward the second door, and I say to snake ‘ARE YOU NOT AFRAID OF MY FACE’ but in actual I am feeling fear.


Walaikumas salam Wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Recite “Auzubillahi minash Shaitwanir Rajeem” 40x per day. Recite Suratul Kafiroon, Falaq, Nas 11x each per day. Don’t be curious of things that does not concern you. Don’t examine things that does not concern you. The snake did not attack you until you threw something to it. Don’t wake up your enemies by giving them a reason to attack you.

Syed Shahzaman

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