AssalamAllikum Va Rehmatullahi Vabarakatuhu,
I saw a dream a week ago that I’m in a place where two grown beard men are standing in white clothes and beards and kufi and noor on their faces. One of those men is giving me some kind of advice but I cannot hear it, its mute. Moreover I see someone sitting between those two men whose face I am trying to see but cannot see because of those two men standing in front of me. The only thing I saw was the dark green turban on that person’s head who was sitting in between those two men.
Another dream I saw was that I’m leading salah at home. Behind me on the right side I can see my mother’s mother, and on the left side my mother. Please if you can tell me the interpretation of these dreams. Jazakamullah Khairan.
Alaykum Salam,
A good dream emphasizing suhba (companionship) over just words, so the best advice begins with keeping humble company with your Shaykh’s representative in your area, at least once a week or once a month more or less. Moreover the two major representatives of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani (may Allah bless him) are well-known, and there is no access to him except through their door, as much as one thinks they understand Mawlana they are still lost. As for leading your mother and grandmother in salat it means your following faithfully in their footsteps and your belief is strong in sha Allah.
Hajj Gibril Haddad